
Provides Choropleth visualizations and mapping utilities.

Value-by-Alpha maps

value_by_alpha_cmap(x, y[, cmap, ...])

Calculates Value by Alpha rgba values

vba_choropleth(x_var, y_var, gdf[, cmap, ...])

Value by Alpha Choropleth

vba_legend(rgb_bins, alpha_bins, cmap[, ax])

Creates Value by Alpha heatmap used as choropleth legend.

mapclassify_bin(y, classifier[, k, pct, ...])

Classify your data with pysal.mapclassify Note: Input parameters are dependent on classifier used.

Colormap utilities

shift_colormap(cmap[, start, midpoint, ...])

Function to offset the "center" of a colormap.

truncate_colormap(cmap[, minval, maxval, n])

Function to truncate a colormap by selecting a subset of the original colormap's values