Source code for splot._viz_libpysal_mpl

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

Lightweight visualizations for libpysal using Matplotlib and Geopandas

* make gdf argument in plot_spatial_weights optional

__author__ = "Stefanie Lumnitz <>"

[docs]def plot_spatial_weights( w, gdf, indexed_on=None, ax=None, figsize=(10, 10), node_kws=None, edge_kws=None, nonplanar_edge_kws=None, ): """ Plot spatial weights network. NOTE: Additionally plots `w.non_planar_joins` if `libpysal.weights.util.nonplanar_neighbors()` was applied. Parameters ---------- w : libpysal.W object Values of libpysal weights object. gdf : geopandas dataframe The original shapes whose topological relations are modelled in W. indexed_on : str, optional Column of gdf which the weights object uses as an index. Default =None, so the geodataframe's index is used. ax : matplotlib axis, optional Axis on which to plot the weights. Default =None, so plots on the current figure. figsize : tuple, optional W, h of figure. Default =(10,10) node_kws : keyword argument dictionary, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to send to pyplot.scatter, which provide fine-grained control over the aesthetics of the nodes in the plot. Default =None. edge_kws : keyword argument dictionary, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to send to pyplot.plot, which provide fine-grained control over the aesthetics of the edges in the plot. Default =None. nonplanar_edge_kws : keyword argument dictionary, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to send to pyplot.plot, which provide fine-grained control over the aesthetics of the edges from `weights.non_planar_joins` in the plot. Default =None. Returns ------- fig : matplotlip Figure instance Figure of spatial weight network. ax : matplotlib Axes instance Axes in which the figure is plotted. Examples -------- Imports >>> from libpysal.weights.contiguity import Queen >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> import libpysal >>> from libpysal import examples >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from splot.libpysal import plot_spatial_weights Data preparation and statistical analysis >>> gdf = gpd.read_file(examples.get_path('map_RS_BR.shp')) >>> weights = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf) >>> wnp = libpysal.weights.util.nonplanar_neighbors(weights, gdf) Plot weights >>> plot_spatial_weights(weights, gdf) >>> Plot corrected weights >>> plot_spatial_weights(wnp, gdf) >>> """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() # default for node_kws if node_kws is None: node_kws = dict(markersize=10, facecolor="#4d4d4d", edgecolor="#4d4d4d") # default for edge_kws if edge_kws is None: edge_kws = dict(colors="#4393c3") # default for nonplanar_edge_kws if nonplanar_edge_kws is None: edge_kws.setdefault("lw", 0.7) nonplanar_edge_kws = edge_kws.copy() nonplanar_edge_kws["colors"] = "#d6604d" node_has_nonplanar_join = [] if hasattr(w, "non_planar_joins"): # This attribute is present when an instance is created by the user # calling `weights.util.nonplanar_neighbors`. If so, treat those # edges differently by default. node_has_nonplanar_join = w.non_planar_joins.keys() centroids_shp = gdf.centroid.values segments = [] non_planar_segments = [] if indexed_on is not None: dict_index = dict(zip(gdf[indexed_on].values, range(len(gdf)))) for idx in w.id_order: if idx in w.islands: continue # Find the centroid of the polygon we're looking at now origin = np.array(centroids_shp[dict_index[idx]].coords)[0] for jdx in w.neighbors[idx]: dest = np.array(centroids_shp[dict_index[jdx]].coords)[0] if (idx in node_has_nonplanar_join) and ( jdx in w.non_planar_joins[idx] ): # This is a non-planar edge non_planar_segments.append([origin, dest]) else: segments.append([origin, dest]) else: for idx in w.id_order: if idx in w.islands: continue # Find the centroid of the polygon we're looking at now origin = np.array(centroids_shp[idx].coords)[0] for j in w.neighbors[idx]: jdx = w.id2i[j] dest = np.array(centroids_shp[jdx].coords)[0] if (idx in node_has_nonplanar_join) and ( jdx in w.non_planar_joins[idx] ): # This is a non-planar edge non_planar_segments.append([origin, dest]) else: segments.append([origin, dest]) # Plot the polygons from the geodataframe as a base layer gdf.plot(ax=ax, color="#bababa", edgecolor="w") # plot polygon centroids gdf.centroid.plot(ax=ax, **node_kws) # plot weight edges non_planar_segs_plot = LineCollection( np.array(non_planar_segments), **nonplanar_edge_kws ) segs_plot = LineCollection(np.array(segments), **edge_kws) ax.add_collection(segs_plot) ax.add_collection(non_planar_segs_plot) ax.set_axis_off() ax.set_aspect("equal") return fig, ax